Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Planning the Regency Wardrobe Pt 2

So you'll remember this from my previous regency post....

"Saturday Night
Ball night!  Need a new pretty obviously!  But I'm not sure about fabrics or colours.  I want to do this from my stash, but I'm worried that the silks might be a litle too crisp.  But, I don't want it to be too flimsy either since I want to be able to embroider... what's your thought? Green or pink? If I do the pink, I'm tempted to do brown embroidery and tassels, if it's the green, it'll probably be a forest green instead..

Today, while looking for something else, I found and purchased my fabrics for the making of this pretty.  I hadn't started, since I honestly did think dupion was too crisp for what I was going to do.

I was digging through the silks for something else, and I came across some habutae..... Pretty much exactly what I wanted to do this out of really.... But, alas no white/ivory/cream..... So I abandoned that and went for my trademark dig through the clearance rack.  And found myself some yummy ivory silk satin for $12/mt.  Ran back to get my habutae and we were in action..

I'm pretty sure I have some embroidery floss and some ribbon in a contrasting purple (ie - from the embroidered lavender bustle!) so yay! At least part will come from stash.  As will the voille for the skirt lining, the silk is quite sheer.  I only have 5mt of each, so hopefully the small train is still doable.. :/

I also got some black voille today to make a black chemise for under my black gown, that way if it shows, it's not as obvious.  This weekend, at the Guild Corsetry workshop, I'll be concentrating on getting 3 chemises and 2 sets of stays done.  And my coutil arrived today too, so yay!

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