In the first week of April, I travelled down to the Gold Coast with some friends to the annual Popculture Convention, Supanova.
My last post mentions that I was sewing right up to the point I left. Which is completely true! I was slightly delayed by an unexpected phonecall, and a little bit of crisis aversion, but I took off for the Gold Coast. I sang loudly all the way down to my stereo, since I was highly caffienated.. :D
Friday night I donned the Tauriel again, this time with some good eartips. Of course I only managed a selfie that doesn't show my ears... hah!
That night though, I stayed up long enough to finalise my Saturday for it's big debut. It's so pink, so froofy, so MUCH, and I was excited, and a little nervous that most people wouldn't recognise it. I needed have worried, people that didn't recognise it, still thought it was awesome.. :D... Many little girls came up for photographs and hugs, which was THE best part of all.
Unfortunately in these two photos, I wasn't wearing the brooch that finishes off the centre front. But that's ok, I remembered to put it on at lunchtime. I was prepared to take this off at lunch and put on plain clothes instead, but I was having so much fun in it I didn't want to get out of it. I even moved my car in my crinoline.. :D
Finally, on Sunday I decided to wear Steampunk so that I could support a friend that is a writer, and so that I could be in the Steampunk photo for once.
I possibly would have worn my Gruzinkerbell if I was one of those that are happy to wear the same thing two days in a row (it was hot, I was wearing polyester... EWW! Stinky!), but I didn't. I do wish I had packed my blouse though, I would have been happier in a blouse than just a singlet...
Anyway, we had a great weekend, one that I'm still not really "over", even though I only did a 3 day work week after, last weekend I was down at Canberra for the Jane Austen Festival, for another huge weekend!
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