Thursday, April 3, 2014

Oh the Crazy!

So I have to leave for Gold Coast 'Nova, and I'm still sewing.

Nothing wrong with me.  Add to that the fact that I plan to take regency sewing for JAFA with me, and you might REALLY think I'm crazy.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though.  Another week of crazy, then I'm going to relax a bit..

aaahhhhhhh.... Then I'm planning to not sew much for a while.  In fact, I'm going to Ironfest in Sydney for the weekend, and I plan to enjoy every second... :D

There'll be pictures after Nova of course!


  1. Replies
    1. And I just realised I've been wandering around the house with my gruzinkerbell tiara on.. -snicker-
