Sunday, January 11, 2015

Off to the Museum in my underwear!

Today we went to the Museum to take a look at the V&A underwear exhibition.  I've been a bit grumpy over the last week (back to work blues?  Anxious about wearing underwear in public? who knows), and I don't really like the person I am when I'm grumpy, but I tried to shake it off today for a fun day.  I had been with some of my girls already, but did see some things in a different light, and I talked to alot of people as well (joy of wearing the thing that people have come to see I guess!). 

I didn't take that many photos today, partly because you aren't allowed to take photos inside, but I do have a few...

All of us, most had opted for Vintage....

My partner in underwear!

First event of the year done and dusted!  And I'm posting directly after - go me!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

It's a new year! And I had a birthday!

I had a birthday yesterday, so I not only made my Birthday Dress, I had a tea party!

I don't have many photos, although the paparazzi was there as you can see.... And I don't really have a pic of the full dress, but that will happen soon enough!  I made most of the food for my tea party, moved my sofas, put out 4 tables, 19 chairs, and decorated the tables with a variety of my teacups.  I have 4 sets, and a bunch of singles, for a total of over 30 teacups. 

I made a gluten free, dairy free champagne cake with champagne frosting.  It as delicious!  There were cupcakes, and brownies, and so many more noms.  I love tea parties, and would have another in a heartbeat, but I'm not doing ALL of the cooking.  It's too much!  My calves are killing me today.... But at least I have party leftovers to nom on!

Finally, the whole tea party!

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 - the year in review!

So 2014 for me was mostly about coordinates....Making things to go with things I already have.  Which is pretty much my plan for 2015.  Reviewing the costumes I already have and either making new coordinates, or fixing what I already have.

First, I'll go through my Popculture stuff.. :)

One of the first costumes I made this year was Tauriel, from the Hobbit movies (for a Tolkien themed birthday).  I still haven't seen the movie!  I also brought it out for Friday night at Supanova Gold Coast...  Also at Supanova Gold Coast, I debuted Gruzinkerbell, aka, Gru dressed as a fairy princess from Despicable Me.

I squeezed in a new Steampunk frock for the Steampunk ball..

Then, at Supanova in Brisbane (November), I did a Pinup version of Jane, and remade my Cinderella, finally getting it just the way I wanted!

With that, we're onto the historical - in chronological order.. ;)

I made a new Cioppa (Italian Renassaince Coat) for a trip to Sydney..

I went to JAFA, so this necessitated a couple of extra things.  First up was the Archery ensemble (just a jacket and hat needed) that I wore with my partner in crime...

And I made myself a new vest to wear over my existing cream dress...

For the Victorian era, I made the day bodice for my black 1870s...


An 1880s tartan number inspired by the uniform of the Queensland Scottish Volunteer Corps
A pink silk afternoon gown

A bunch of lovely turn of the century pieces, including a full outfit, an extra skirt and jacket..  

And then there's the vintage, which is mostly day wear for me!
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And that's it!  This year's goal?  Mostly to not make too many new things for Costuming, other than a Victorian bathing suit and possibly a Victorian hunting outfit. 

There will probably be more Vintage, but I wear that on a daily basis anyway.. :)