Saturday, January 3, 2015

It's a new year! And I had a birthday!

I had a birthday yesterday, so I not only made my Birthday Dress, I had a tea party!

I don't have many photos, although the paparazzi was there as you can see.... And I don't really have a pic of the full dress, but that will happen soon enough!  I made most of the food for my tea party, moved my sofas, put out 4 tables, 19 chairs, and decorated the tables with a variety of my teacups.  I have 4 sets, and a bunch of singles, for a total of over 30 teacups. 

I made a gluten free, dairy free champagne cake with champagne frosting.  It as delicious!  There were cupcakes, and brownies, and so many more noms.  I love tea parties, and would have another in a heartbeat, but I'm not doing ALL of the cooking.  It's too much!  My calves are killing me today.... But at least I have party leftovers to nom on!

Finally, the whole tea party!

1 comment:

  1. It was such an enjoyable party! The food was delicious, the company great and the bubblies and tea overflowing. (literally! *wink*) Thank you again for the invitation and I loved your dress. I'm jealous as can be of that darling bird fabric!
