This was a weekend long event, however, we only planned to go on the one day. It was excessively hot and dusty during the day, and we were on our feet, walking up and down on the slight hill being fabulous. We were kinda forced into the costume competition (and honestly, I thought we shouldn't since I didn't think it fair being as we are reenactors!). There was another girl in the comp as well, and I gather that she has previously won, and assumed she would again since she was a local. She was very friendly.... Until they gave me the prize. I felt horrible, her face changed from sunny to dark and angry, and I said to the other lady in our group, "you know, this is why I really don't like going into competitions".... And honestly, costuming to me shouldn't be about competition. Unless you're solely competing with yourself. Which sadly many people are not. Don't get me wrong, it's lovely to have my skill acknowledged, but it isn't something I "need" to feel good about myself.
I also managed to find myself a Beau, he attempted to flirt with me every time he saw me, despite me mentioning that I had a husband that i was really rather fond of. But all in all a lovely day, with many great opportunities for some lovely photos... Afterwards, when we had stripped down and decided to go into town for dinner, we were treated to a massive thunderstorm, while we were in town. Which meant of course that we all got a little bit wet, but it was worth it, because we had a tasty fish and chip dinner.
This was an awesome event that we're planning to do again in 2017, and we may even camp onsite, pending the construction of our marquee.
The photos below are by the lovely Donna Howard.. I took none!