Saturday, December 28, 2013

Planning a Regency Wardrobe

I'm planning a Regency Wardrobe for the Jane Austen Festival Australia in Canberra this April.  This requires 3 evening dresses and 3 day dresses. I'm combining some dresses I already have with some new dresses as well.

Thursday night
I thouht I would go for something fairly simple.  I have a cream and silver stripe chiffon dress that is lovely to wear, but a little long for dancing.  So why not jazz it up with a new accessory?

I figured I could make a little bodice to wear over the top out of this purple silk satin that I have, and attach some pom poms or tassels... Possibly some embroidery? Then if I have enough, I'll make a shower-cap turban out of the leftover silk..

My back up plan (should I not get everything done in time) is to just wear the dress as is.  Possibly a sash could be worn..

I thought I would be French.. :D

Friday Night
As it's a dinner, I figure I'll wear my red ball gown from my last trip to JAFA.  I just need to move the buttons....

This will also be my Saturday night backup plan, so my friday night backup plan will most likely be my black french dress with a lovely black shawl I was given for Christmas last year.

On Saturday I hope to have a very english outfit made, in whites and greens.  It'll take in a reproduction cotton print from the regency period that I picked up at the V&A Quilt Exhitibion last year. 

I also thought I might make a pelisse, and I have a nice green acryllic wool blend.

My backup plan for Saturday will be my 1820s which is now pretty much complete (I just need to add a bit of a ruffle at the bottom)

Saturday Night
Ball night!  Need a new pretty obviously!  But I'm not sure about fabrics or colours.  I want to do this from my stash, but I'm worried that the silks might be a litle too crisp.  But, I don't want it to be too flimsy either since I want to be able to embroider... what's your thought? Green or pink? If I do the pink, I'm tempted to do brown embroidery and tassels, if it's the green, it'll probably be a forest green instead..

As mentioned previously, the backup plan for the ball is the red dress if I don't get this finished.

Picnic Day.  Wendy and I have something up or sleeves, so the plan is that it will probably happen first - so there is no back up plan!

2013 - The biggest year ever in my costuming history

I'm only going to include the things I actually sewed this year, rather than what I wore, since that list would be huuuuge!  Even then, it's big, since I wasn't working, in between applying for jobs, I spent ALOT of time sewing.. :D

It's been an intresting year, and somewhat successful I feel! I have had one epic failure that will be binned, and have 3 UFOs (due to work)..

We did some 1950s Vintage in January.....

Some 1920s and 1890s in February....

March was somewhat busy, more on the 1890s in preparation for History Alive.. 1940s and 2 1950s.. and the start of the tartan ruffles of doom..

Then, in April, I exceeded ALL expectations of myself... 1950s, ruffled bustle skirt of doom, 2 Victorian Hats, Idris, and Aurora..

Also, the first of my UFOS - the tartan crinoline, which I'm not sure I love.  But I'm sure it'll grow on me once it's finished.. ;)... I suspect I may have to shorten the skirt...

In May, the tartan bustle of doom got itself a matching bodice and the Kate Leslie was reborn in possibly THE best costuming moment of my year - a gasp from a room of people as it came out for a fashion parade... It does however need the bodice taken in, I made it one size too big.. :(

In June, it was a case of "OMG IT'S TIME FOR HISTORY ALIVE AND I HAVEN'T DONE MY 1890s YET!"... And, I went back to work.. so everything slowed down...  But I managed to have all 3 1890s outfits done...

I took July off work, but still neded up with 2 UFOs... :(

There's a pink silk 1880s gown in the works that WILL be finished for History Alive in June (we're back to bustle... woohoo!)... And an 1840s ball gown that WILL be finished for the Heritage Ball apparently this is the only photo I have.. haha.

But!  I did manage to get a new Blue gamurra and Cioppa done for Abbey... (ACTION shot!)

Then August.... So much!  I made the lobster tail - which I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! A new short bustle for Steamfest, version 1 of Alice (petticoat, bloomers and better apron to come), the Parisian Regency, and the yummy scrummy black bustle..

Strange though it is, I finished nothing during September.  Towards the end of the month, I lept into action to make a new 1870s sheer gown, in time for October!

Then for November, I finally got my Disney Jane the way I wanted it... Hooray!

Finally, in December, I made the evening bodice for my striped silk skirt.  It is SO much better as a ball gown than a day gown!

The 2012 Review

Apparently I didn't do a "what I wore" post in 2012 - that was probably because I lost my job at the end of the year, and then went overseas for 2 months. haha. So I'll recreate it for you... First dress off the machine in January was a spotty vintage dress..

In February, I finished another Vintage dress!

March I made myself a cherry print dress... and a red froofy..

Then in April, I finished 3 Titanic Era gowns, and a couple of hats and a 1920s dress…

Then in May, I made an 1880s taffeta bodice to go with my lavender and lace number from the ACG Ball in 2011, and a matching hat as well.  I also made a ridiculously cute red Matron’s Bonnet from the 1880s, and a new set of chemise/drawers..

Flash forward past June, I didn’t make anything new. July, I made a couple of vintage dresses, one I’ve gifted to someone since it looks hideous on me.

More vintage in August, and the very awesome, prize winning ACG Ball outfit…

I took it fairly easy in September, making a “not a spencer” for regency. And some butterfly wings.. :)… And I ended up with a UFO this year too.. :(, but that will be rectified!

Then it was back to Vintage in October to cheer me up after losing my job.. and to fill in time while I waited to go overseas!! But then there was also Georgian!

Then last of the year were in November – Tiana, a Disney Jane Revamp and Vintage again. A coat for travelling, and a spotty green dress. I started and finished the year with spotty dresses!