So while I fiddle in the background and start including my costuming progress in a more ordered fashion, here's my "what I wore" list from 2011 for your viewing pleasure. I start here, since 2010 (the first year I did this over on livejournal) was just full of links rather than pretty pictures.. :)
So, we started the year with steampunk... Literally - I wore steampunk
to a New Year's Party. I also wore this same dress to 2 Supanovas and 2
Steampunk Teas. Not bad, 5 wears in one year!
was the flurry of things for the Jane Austen Festival in April... I
did alot of mix and match and rewearing... But still came out having
made 4 dresses (only 3 I took to JAFA, one I finished and didn't like), 2
sashes, a spencer, a velvet wrap, reticules and a wig.. Obviously I
had planned enough dresses for every day and every night, but like all
things in life, that didn't happen!
These were the three new outfits, 2x 1820's and one 1780's... The gold old white dress was trotted out to fill in the gaps..
only thing I don't have a photo on me of is the last night at dinner I
wore the white gown with the purple spencer.. This dress is now shabby
and needs to be retired. But not until I make another white gown,
because they're just too darned useful!
In between this flurry of
regency, I also managed to put together a tweed 1880's bustle.. Which
I've only managed to wear twice.. Once in March for the Guild Ghost
Walk, and once later on in the year for a Charity Victorian Picnic (at
which I didn't take any photos). The bodice has been taken in since
this photo, and I have also figured out I need to move the buttons
was Supanova, I had wanted to do Disney Jane for it, but again, it
didn't happen, so I wore steampunk all weekend.. You've already seen
one, but the other I wore was..
of this I already had. Other than the black moire skirt and vest
(which I obviously didn't wear!). That didn't take long though, since
it's thoroughly plain! The vested version did get a few outings though
for reenactment, once at History Alive.
During May I made a new
white crinoline bodice, and wore it with my yellow sash and tartan
skirt.. I also made a new bonnet, but I hate it with a passion and it
has been binned. :).. I then pulled some stuff out my costume wardrobe
for a piratey movie
And then whipped out a 40's dress and hat for a 40's day at my local markets..
oh man, we're only at JUNE! Which of course means History Alive. I
had a busy weekend, reenacting, looking after vendors, an ACG stall, and
demonstrating Victorian Dressing. So I didn't take any photos. But I
did wear the black/white outfit, and I wore my red bustle again. One of
the steampunk teas I mentioned at the beginning was during June too.
July - Medieval Faire!
pink/blue is new, and probably not accurate, but I love it. There's
still some things to fix/do on this dress, but that's the joy of
costuming, I get to change things as I go.. The green is a dress from
previous years taken in AGAIN (and it's still too big!), with my old
blue surcoat and new hood. I do love my hood, although I feel a bit
like I can't see where I'm going wearing it! Also during July, I
finally made the bonnet I was going to make for JAFA, and put the
finishing touches on my spencer for a regency high tea. Then for the
heritage ball, I wore my good old red bustle (with the red velvet ball
was mostly about getting ready for the ACG Ball.. I had picked
something quite ambitious (a 1880's Ball Gown with train), and I'm quite
proud of my achievements with it, even though there are still some
finishing touches for it. I also managed to get a 1480's outfit done,
which I have been planning since 2009, so I was quite happy to finally
getting around to it! And what's more, I did ALL layers, so camica,
gamurra, sleeves and reversable giornea.
I took a break, and just rewore all month (Picnic at Pemberley,
Redcliffe Festival and Georgian Feast).. No wait, I lie, Mini-me got
herself a new regency gown.. I rewore.. :)
started with the other Steampunk Tea, then we had the Victorian Picnic
and the Playford Ball. I made a new crinoline, and a new regency ball
gown. OH WAIT! I also made his nephewness a pair of pants he could wear
for most eras, Victorian and Regency. He has declared these the most
comfy pants EVER.
November was Supanova time again. There was NO way I wasn't doing
Jane.. :D... The first day I wore Steampunk for the final time in 2011,
but on Sunday it was all about Jane! Again, there's some
additions/changes to be made, but MEH! Was happy to wear Jane..
had a bit of a sewing Frenzy during December, partially because of my
two weeks holiday. But there's also been some rewearing of old
favourites! First new thing, was a new overskirt to wear with my black
moire skirt, and one of my first History Alive outfits. I love having
reenactment pieces that I can mix and match! Then to Proclomation Day, I
finally got to wear my pink crinoline again.
WAIT! I forgot my Christmas Party outfit! haha.. I cobbled together a
jedi - My Bariss Skirt, a black long sleeves shirt, my jedi belt and
robes and a light sabre...
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