I have the prettiest fabrics ready for a late Georgian outfit, and I'm dying to make it. Only this yar it seems that I'm not really achieving any work/life balance.. :(.... So, in between late days at work and a couple of sick days thanks to the lurgy going around work, the fabrics were washed, and that's about as far as I got.
I do have a number of regency outfits to wear, but to be honest, I find them all kinda plain and boring. But, never-the-less, I trotted one of them out for a picnic instead of a new pretty georgian number.
We met at a park on the river, that if you sit in the right place, has a lovely view of the river, and of some georgian-esque shaped houses on the other side of the river. It is a truly lovely spot.
We set up our picnic, which looked very regal indeed and we put out the food. There was 8 of us, and SO.MUCH.FOOD.
This isn't even ALL of the food. There was more. That we couldn't fit on the table. We had planned to have the picnic, and at the same time learn out to do death-head buttons and some tambour embroidery. Well we ate food, talked, laughed, and generally had a fabulous day. This event continued the recent "OMG I'm having so much fun at events" thing that has been happening.
We did talk about Costume College in the USA, since many of us would really like to go and we think we might aim for 2017 (all of us saying "depending on how well I can save up for it"). Our national president, who was visiting for the weekend, went last year, and is heading back again this year.
Having said that, we'd all like to go to the Jane Austen Festival in Bath as well. So realistically, I think I need to win the lottery. Of course, this would mean I need to buy a ticket.
I also made a snap decision to go down to visit W in October for a regency weekend. She had sent me the facebook invite, thinking that I wouldn't be able to come, but to let me know she wanted me there.. <3... Then I looked at it. The event was pretty cheap, I could fly down there pretty cheap, we didn't need a car, and the accommodation is cheap too. So I booked. And I roped D into going as well.
Of course, this means I want to go and make ALL.THE.REGENCY.
I'll need:
2x day dresses
1x ball gown
1x spencer
1x pelisse
And a variety of accessories. At the very least I plan for a day dress and my pelisse (and matching accessories) to be done prior to Picnic at Pemberley, which is in September.
Not to mention between now and then, I need to make a dress for a wedding coming up in 2 weekends, a victorian masquerade costume for 2 different balls in August, potentially finish a Victorian UFO for the next Victorian Picnic.... And possibly find some time to do some exercise and clean up my house.. haha