Seriously. It was 15 minutes each way. We met at the house of one of the ladies, who lives the closest to Marburg, which was still 45 minutes away. We had lunch and got dressed together, which was lots of fun, then carpooled over to the train station...
We made the train with 10 minutes to spare, but 3 of our party, who were meant to meet us at the train station, didn't make it. They did join us at the midway point, so we did get to spend some time with them and have some photos.
The next time we go on this train ride, we plan to go in the morning, and luncheon at the midway point for as long as possible, so that we can take in more of the sights at the train station. It was so much fun, I was sad it was over at the end of the day.
I had made a bustle dress that I have wanted to make for forever! It's a 1880s reproduction print that I bought a really long time ago, and I bought every bit they had, which was in 3 pieces. I trimmed it in a green velveteen, and I believe there will be a green velveteen hat and reticule coming in the near future to match.
It fit PERFECTLY, and I'm really happy with it..
I don't have alot of photos that I took on the day, but what I do have are here....
We did however have our own photographer for the day, and the photos are..... here!
I felt pretty speccy in this I will admit!