You'll remember I was tossing around whether I would do Cinderella, despite having everything I needed to make it, and all the accessories. In the end, I gave the haters the middle finger and did it anyway. That was on Sunday, so I'll talk about that in a minute.
I had been ridiculously excited about Supanova after deciding on my costume lineup, and it would be close, but I figured that I would get my three costumes for the weekend done. W was coming on Thursday night, and having my bestie around always makes for an awesome weekend.
Thursday was tracking ok, it was thanksgiving, so hubby was cooking the foods this year (he worked from home that day), I was getting out of work early so I could come home, work on my Missy costume before I head out to the airport. Well the weather had other ideas. I got caught, in my beautiful car in the massive hailstorm that hit Brisbane on Thursday evening. I had no sooner left the carpark in town, driving down the road and was waiting at the traffic lights when it hit. Baseball sized hailstones, without exaggerating, hit my car. I managed to get into a carpark, but not before my rear window was smashed, and I have significant panel damage to my baby. To the point that it's still not known whether they're going to write it off or not.
So I managed to drive through the hail (thank goodness I've driven on snow, since that's what it was like!), cross a road with some flooding and get into the carpark. I'm still not sure HOW I managed it considering I was shaking like a leaf, it was the scariest thing I've ever been through. I seriously thought the roof was going to cave in and I was going to die. Once I got to the carpark, I got out to look at the car, while the road I drove through got higher and higher. I assessed the damage to my baby, and my heart sank....

That hole is one of four in the back window, only the tinting is holding it together at this point. One baseball sized hailstone hit on the lip of the windscreen at the front, narrowly missing the windscreen, and one an inch away from my driver's window. There are MASSIVE dents everywhere.
Long story short, it's a good thing that flights out of Sydney were delayed for a couple of hours, because that's how long I spent in the carpark. When the storm FINALLY passed over two hours after I first left work, I decided to head home. Knowing there were holes in my window, I waited out the rain, and went home through the tunnel. Yeah, it cost me money, but I had peace of mind away from other drivers and out of any potential rain. It was a mercifully quick drive home, since I was still really shaken up.
The upshot was that I haven't finished Missy to a point where I'm happy to wear it. I pushed through on Friday night and got it made, but I don't like it right now, and I wouldn't be happy wearing it.
So! On Saturday, I needed a boost. I had my Disney pinup group costume to wear.... which was a 1950s version of Jane...
And I had my besties!
So it was all going pretty smoothly, other than that one person that has to make drama where there shouldn't be.... (DRAMA-LLAMAS!)
After lunch though, we changed me into Gruzinkerbell.... And this happened...
And I was loved on.... ALOT.
So Sunday was the grand unvieling of Cinderella... With my very own Fairy Godmother!
Highlight of the whole weekend was having little girls come up to me with wide eyes saying "YOU'RE CINDERELLA! Can I have my photo with you Cinderella?".. Then they would hug my dress (or me when I bent down - one nearly strangled me.. haha)... melted my heart. It was just so good. Getting costume-love from adults is great, but it's the kids that makes it so worthwhile.
Really.REALLY glad I did it.
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