Then we wandered into the Shingle Inn for lunch. For those not from Brisbane, the Shingle Inn is a teahouse that was established in 1938. It was an institution in my childhood, whenever Mum took us shopping in the city (usually at Gardams - 3 levels of fabric... Well two really, the 3rd level was brides dresses... Also an istitution that is no longer the same) we would have tea at the Shingle Inn. It was removed when the plans to develop the building into a new shopping plaza were released. The interior was heritage listed, and the intention was that it would go back into the same space into the building once it was built. Well the shingle inn was "lost". HOW do you lose a whole teahouse I ask you? When the plans to restore City Hall came out (it was sinking!), the Shingle Inn was FOUND! And they planned to put it back into the City Hall. Which they have. So while most of the group was wearing 1920s frocks (since the City Hall was built in the 20s), I wore 1930s for the Shingle Inn.. :D
We had a lovely lunch, which was made more special by the fact that there were a couple of oldies in the house who came past and told us that not only did we look wonderful, but we took him back to his childhood when he used to come to the Shingle Inn. The girls also presented me with a thank-you gift for all the work done behind the scenes in the ACG so that we can have great events such as this one. <3... Bless them! The final part of our massive day was heading up into the Museum in the City Hall to see Hollywood Costumes. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photos inside. But we caused a scene in there too.. -snicker-
And then we had the obligatory group shot on the main stairs... Not before there was silliness.. :)
For the occasion I made a new 1930s frock.... Completely from my stash. -fistpump- Turned out pretty well too, considering I didn't mock up, I just measured and went. I made it out of a polyester linen-look since I was worried about how it would look, I didn't want to use any of my really nice fabric. I must say, the jabot is awesome. If you spill some of your lunch on it, you just readjust it and voila! nobody knows. Not that I did that of course.. -cough-
The 2014 wrapup will happen possibly later tonight, or tomorrow afternoon. I'm busily making my annual BIRTHDAY DRESS! And baking also for afternoon tea I'm putting on for 18 of my family and friends.. :)
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