It's sometimes a hard thing for me when the creativity strikes.
I have many friends who sketch their ideas so they don't lose them, so they can work out details, play with the style more etc etc etc.
I have NEVER been able to do that. I can't draw to save myself. But I can write. I can descriptively write - so that's what I do. I snag line drawings for patterns and write notes next to it that describe how I want to change the pattern... "Longer here"..... "sleeve from *X pattern* instead", sometimes some weird shorthand that makes no sense to anyone..... Usually it works, because it keeps the image in my head. I once tried to start a costume sketch book. But it became more of a scrapbook, including pictures of actual costumes, some scribbled on, some pattern company line drawings with pattern numbers on them, some fabric samples even. It occured to me that this is what pinterest is really for, although I don't really use it for that... haha... It's more a catalogue of my historical wish dresses. Which is fine. It makes it easy if I want to show someone what I'm planning to make. So these days I either get it down in an email in words, sometimes attaching a photo, and send it to myself.
More often than not, this process happens while I'm at work.... Especially when I'm doing things that are very analytical - numbers, dates, facts. The image of the outfit, and the words that describe it swirl around in my mind while I tap away at the keyboard at work.
This happened today, and although I didn't really know why this idea was budding in my mind, it grew, and couldn't be ignored. Now I get philosophical. Clicking on random things on facebook is interesting. By doing this, I came across something so very cool, that would fit in with this idea so very well that I just couldn't ignore it. It's "meant to be".
Then I realised - I have been puzzling for a couple of months what I wanted to do for the Gothic Ball this year, since I can go again this year (BIG cheer!)... But thanks to the design swirling around in my head, and what I found today, I puzzle no longer.
But, all will be revealed in the fullness of time. I have much to do before then!