We arrived on Friday night to our hotel, which was just down the road from the location of most of the events, and settled in. It was an old hotel, but still clean and comfortable. Bonus was that the hotel had a good restaurant in it, so we were set.
Saturday started with a talk on Georgian and Regnecy fashion in Australia, and since W was wearing georgian for the talk, we felt it our responsibility to join her.
I made a new outfit for the occasion, I could have worn my archery gown to match Dinah's, but I couldn't help it, having watched outlander, I knew what I wanted!
I'm not overly happy with the stomacher, it matches, but it's kinda... "meh". I think I need to make another. We were of course called up to join the talk since we could portrary several different types of georgian and regency fashion.
The hall itself was super pretty.... And I decided that if I lived there, we would be doing events in it every other weekend!
After the talks, we were free to go get our own lunch, and then come back for some dancing practice.... Which only 2 of us went to. The rest of us went back for naps, some shopping and reading...
Saturday night, however it was time for a ball! So once we picked our the 2 that did go to the dancing up, we came back for some dinner, and to get dressed. Our rooms were quite.... messy! The photo below is the shared room that 4 of us had. We had one other member in the party who had booked after we did, so she had a not so messy room on her own.
The ball went pretty much how you would expect... There was a grand parade..
Card playing over in the naughty corner
OH yeah, and some dancing...
So we pretty much had an amazing night, even the supper provided was amazing! The only thing left for the evening was Bonnetpalooza... This is a term my husband coined for when I go off for balls and weekends away involving costuming. He apparently imagines us in historical gear with glowsticks and whistles like we were at a rave. So now it's a thing. And given it was halloween, our lights had to be halloween themed!
Sunday we woke up and head off to another talk, this time about the history of some Australian soldiers that fought in a number of battles that you wouldn't think happened. For example, there was an Australian born soldier at the battle of Waterloo. A whole family of Australians that fought in the Civil War (didn't even last a day). And even some Australians that joined some Canadian soldiers on a mission to burn down the White House. Erm. Sorry about that one American friends.. ;)
I pulled out the raspberry spencer again, but lost it pretty quickly, given it was stinking hot (we ended up having a storm that afternoon!). We strolled around the historic house we visited, there were shennanigans (when aren't there though), and generally enjoyed ourselves. There was also a picnic, but given we weren't really prepared for a picnic, it was nowhere near as enjoyable as our trips to cafes over the course of the weekend.
Eventually we had some photos back at the hotel before removing the last vestiges of Regency fashion.
All too soon our weekend was over, although on Monday we did some road tripping back towards the airport. It was such a good weekend, so relaxing, and so much fun, that I'm probably going again this year! :)
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